Sentinel-2B Production Interface Delivery Point Server (S2B PRIP)

Software Development in the context of Copernicus Production Service.
The Service is fully operational since May 2022.

The Production Interface Delivery Point Server (aka PRIP Server) is part of the Copernicus Space Component Production Service, which encompasses all the activities necessary to convert any acquired Sentinel satellite data into user level data, Engineering level data, Satellite Ancillary Data (SAD) and House-Keeping Telemetry (HKTM) data.

Alia Space was responsible of the implementation of the PRIP Server for Sentinel-2B mission.

  • Software Development of the PRIP Server components
  • Configuration Control Management on Alia Gitlab and Docker Hub
  • Application Deployment of the PRIP components as a Kubernetes cluster on a cloud infrastructure provided by Orange The infrastructure is under Prime Contractor responsibility.
  • Alia performed all the deployment activities related to the PRIP on both IVV and OPS infrastructure and provided engineering support during the first stage of the operations of the Production Service.
  • Maintenance activities and Change Request implementation.

PRIP Server Role

The PRIP Server main features are:

  • Acting as pick-up point for newly published Sentinel data products for the Long Term Archive and the Data Access Ecosystem.
  • Providing House-keeping Telemetry to FOS
  • Performing quality check on products
  • Granting access to data to authorized users only
  • Ensuring conformity with the Key Performance Indicators as Timeliness, Completeness and Availability of the service

PRIP components

The main components of the PRIP Server are:

  • The Ingestor, which performs the quality check on products generated by the production chain, insert the metadata in the PRIP DB and move the products on a cloud Object Storage
  • The Tracer, which signs the products and sends the signature to the Traceability Service
  • The HKTM-FOS, in charge of forwarding new HKTM products to FOS via SFTP
  • The API, which implements the Open Data Protocol to:
    • Search and download products (managing quotas)
    • Manage subscriptions
    • Expose full products Catalogue
  • The Subscription, which notifies the list of new products to subscribers.
  • The Catalogue Export, exposing the products catalogue with the full list of metadata, from the start of operations.
  • The Roller, which evicts old products and metadata from the cloud Object Storage, since the PRIP is a rolling archive.
  • The History Cleaner, which cleans the download history from the DB, temporarily stored for quota management.

PRIP performances

The volume of product published is about 10 TB per day, corresponding to about 150k of products, plus 500K of quality reports

0 TB

per Day

0 K

of product

0 K

Quality report

The ingestion time is about
1 second per Granule and about 10 seconds per Tile

Volume of product published per day

Total: 10 TB

Number of products published per day

Total: 150k (plus 500k of OLQC reports)



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